Avi's Ferienwoche (holiday week)

Avi has three weeks off from kita, for summer vacation-I suppose. And Pablo and I have decided to split this time with her. I take the first week since this was Pablo's last week of school before finals, and then he will take the other two weeks (and I go back to work).

I took advantage of this time and took her exploring, while Pablo was studying for his first exam. Here's how our week was laid out:


After lunch we decided to go outside, so she could practice riding her bike, she has actually gotten pretty good at it, although not enough for both of us to go on a bike at the same time, but she's getting better! 


We went grocery shopping, but Avi decided she didn't want me to take the stroller and she would take her toy shopping cart instead. So we both had one at the store, and everybody would smile at her when they saw her! By the end of the trip she had cookies, apple juice and strawberries in there.

We went on a playdate with other english speaking moms in the Lastropsweg Spielplatz, in Eimsbüttel. it was cool, I got to meet new moms and saw some old faces as well. :) and the playground had a lit of different sections for kids of all ages.


We took a day trip to the beach. The last time I visited one was when we visited the North Sea in Holland during Easter Break, but it was super cold that day and we didn't go in to the ocean, so it didn't really count.
The beach we went to was Scharbeutz.

It was a nice train ride to there, we bought the all day ticket (ab 9 uhr) and had a nice bahn person who didn't get us in trouble for not buying a separate ticket since we got on the train at 8:35 and the all day ticket started at 9 am. 
It was a much needed day trip, I really enjoyed spending the day in the sun and sand! We invited our friend Rosa to tag along and our beach day consisted of  "Mexican Style" Chili dogs for lunch, a rented strandkorb "beach basket" and ice cream. 
Sucks that Pablo didn't go, but at least we had fun!


I was to sunburn to actually go out or anything. Pablo had his exam today and Avi and I just stayed home, she took advantage of the lovely weather and played outside for a while with the neighbors.


Avi and I went grocery shopping, but we also visited the Phoenix Center-a mall in the Harburg area. There was a "hot air" balloon for kids to ride on, and it only required a donation of 1€. I convinced Avi and she agreed to do it.
At her three years of age she is not tall enough to were you could see her when she's up so was not able to get any pictures of her "in the air" but we got a couple of good shots. I hadn't planned on doing this so I didn't do her hair that day and it kept getting in her face. They will be there until the end of July so I will probably take her again later with a ponytail or something so her hair won't get in the way! 

We don't have any special plans for the weekend, just the usual head to the city walk around a bit and come home. I hope yours is exciting! Since I am still working, the next two weeks off from kita will be spent with Dad, I don't know if Pablo has anything special planned for here though.

How do you normally spend days off? 

Bis Später!


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