Back from Vacation, Here's my Menu Plan.

The last time I posted my meal plan on here I actually added more meals than I should have. We left for Munich Friday afternoon, so all those extra meals were passed on to the next week. Now that we're back in Hamburg I can go back to menu planning, and not eating out. Here's our menu plan for the week; in a nice pinnable image:

What's on your menu this week?

Linking up with Mommy Run Fast, Modest Monday, This week for Dinner, What We're Eating and I'm an Organizing Junkie.

If you are coming from any of the link ups I just mentioned, then let me tell you that "what we're eating" is here! Add your weeks meal plan to the link up as I co host it temporarily. Don't forget to stop by other blogs, the one before you, the one after you or at random, and leave a comment!


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