One Lovely Blog.

December is finally here! I couldn't be any happier, we're going home in 10 days and in 26 days i will be celebrating my 26th birthday!
It was a long time ago, but in the middle of the blogtober challenge I received a comment about my blog being nominated for the one lovely blog award, and while I was in the hospital I received a couple more, and another one afterwards. I want to thank Sam, Becky, Dorrie, Jeanie, and Michelle for the nominations and today I am finally able to complete this post.

The rules:

Thank the person who nominated you for the award.
Add the Lovely blog award logo onto your post/blog.
Share 7 facts about yourself.
Nominate 15 bloggers you admire/read and inform nominees by commenting on their blog.

I'm going to change it up a little and instead of giving you seven facts I'm posting 

3 updates and 4 facts.

U: I have ten days to sell all our furniture, before we leave.
U: After our vacation we will be moving to Kaiserslautern.
U: I'm also packing everything and don't know how we'll manage to take so many suitcases.
F: Due to all this I will be posting less often, but stay tuned for my Christmas around the globe series
F: I don't know what I'm supposed to do with our spices, cooking oils, shampoos, detergent?
F: I don't like it when people stop by the blog and don't leave a comment.
F: I haven't been able to cook my favorite food in more than two years. 

I nominate:

Natalie at Cosmos Mariners
Becster at (she's hosting a 12 days of xmas linkup, go check it out.)

and remember, if you'd like to sign up for a spot on my Christmas around the globe series, I have a couple of spots still left open!


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