Avi's First day of Pre-School

She was really excited, and had been since the Wednesday before. When friday came around I told her she just had to sleep two more times and then it would be time, she was ready to go Sunday morning saying "today is the day." I told her she had one more to go and the next day I woke her up and made her breakfast, the three of us ate together then we got ready and watched TV until it was time to go. 
Her first day of Kindergarten only lasted around an hour. We start in the auditorium, they introduce themselves, then the older kids sing for the new students. The new students are called up and introduced to their teachers and then they go to their classroom. While the parents waited in the auditorium. 
They do this so that the kids can meet their teacher, see their new classroom and not be overwhelmed. This might be good for some kids, the ones that are going to school for the first time, but Avi wanted to spend the whole day there.
She is really liking her new school, she says she misses the previous one a lot though.

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