What's up Wednesday

Today i'm linking up for the first time with Mel, Shay, and Sheaffer for their What's up Wednesday liink up...
What's up Wednesday Link up

What we're eating this week:

I post my menu plans on the blog ever so often, this week we're eating:
Monday: Birthday Special I: Schnitzel Burgers.
Tuesday: Birthday Special II: Ate out with coworkers.
Wednesday: Chicken with Veggies
Thursday: Sausage and Egg Tacos
Friday: Birthday Special III: Chilaquiles with friends.
Saturday: Birthday Special IV: Bavarian food and beer at our Oktoberfest Party!
Sunday: Leftovers.

What i'm reminiscing about

Previous birthdays spent together, I wanted to do a collage for Pablo (his birthday was Monday), but we didn't seem to have enough birthday pictures (on Facebook) hopefully I can get more when we go back home. 

What i'm loving

Coffee Break German, I started listening to these podcasts when I first moved to Germany,and recently started again. They are really helpful. & it's extra practice for me! 

What we've been up to

Birthday Special: Date Night

This week, as you can tell,  has been revolving around Pablo, and i'm loving it.. I'm working on a a welcome sign for our door. and getting up the decorations for the party.

What i'm excited about

Liebe Stirbt Nie premiers at the Operettenhaus in Hamburg mid October 2015

Many things, My friend Rachel is Christine in Liebe Stirbt Nie (Love never dies) which premiers in two weeks at the Operettenhaus and we're going to go watch her perform (again). I went to the premier of Phantom of the Opera two years ago (and Pablo and I went to one of the previews).

We bought tickets to go to Charlotte in December, we're excited to see Pablo's siblings which we haven't' seen in over three years and Avi gets to meet two cousins in person!

What i'm watching/reading

I'm catching up on Pretty Little Liars and we're watching season 4 of Game of Thrones.

What i'm listening to

Music from 2008 on my old computer's hard drive. Do you remember what songs you were listening to 7 years ago?

What i'm wearing

I'm wearing warm pants and comfortable sweaters, perfect for the current weather.

What i'm doing this weekend

Saturday is the party and Sunday is probably going to be a lazy day #funtimes.

What i'm looking forward to next month

So far I don't have anything planned, I just hope it has a better ending than last years October..

What else is new?

We have nothing new to tell the world at the moment.

Bonus Question: What is our Favorite Halloween Tradition?

Trick or treating, it's the only thing we've done consistently since Avi was a baby, Hopefully with the coming years we can add more traditions.

What's up with you, anything new?

Seychelles Mama

This month's sponsor:
Shop at Diana's E-Store


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