There's no Place Like Home (part I)

House warming gift
I'm linking up with kiki from in its time and co-host Beka from Sunshine to the Square Inch for this month's the circle link up and giving you a little tour of our home.

I;ll be sharing different parts of our home today, and the other half next week. I had previously shared pictures of the furniture we bought back in February since we had a tough time choosing the right ones and I wanted to share my opinions on the blog. But after we moved, everything has been rearranged. So here is some of our set up:

Child's Room

Is also big, it fits her loft bed and slide perfectly with extra room for her to play.

Master Bedroom

I'm not sure if this room is bigger or smaller than the one in Kaiserslautern, but I like it, we haven't bought an actual wardrobe/closet yet, but we really needed to hang our jackets so we bought a temporary one.


This is the biggest kitchen we've had in Germany, I really like it,  it's a good size, we could fit this into it:
Souvernir display
This little collection happened by accident, we bought that windmill for Avi as a souvenir during our trip to Holland. Then our next trip we bought the astronomical clock in Prague and so on, I ended up putting them on top of a bookcase. until they no longer fit. When we moved (the second time) I found a good spot for them in the kitchen!
Whiteboard used as a magnet holder
 AND this whiteboard, holding what  Pablo was originally planing on collecting from the places we visit. The postcards are mine but I only have one on here.


It is a decent sized bathroom, I don't really like the doors to prevent the water from going out, but it does the job.  There is space for a washing machine (which we bought for 50 euros from a friend that moved out) and it fits perfectly!

What do you think?  We don't plan on painting the walls since we're only renting, and we don't really want to drill on it either (hence, nothing is hung). I think it's to much of a hassle when we have to move out, opinions?

This month's sponsor:
Shop at Diana's E-Store

P.S, yesterday for Travel Tuesday I shared an old trip, talking about what we did in Falun, Sweden.


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