Back with the Menu.

I stopped blogging for a while, but I have definitely not been away from my blog. Last week I focused more on sharing my content and didn't post anything, but I have a couple of posts in my drafts, I'll be sharing those later this week.

Today I'll be returning to posting my menu plan, with what we're eating this week. The past few weeks I refrained from posting on here since we were adapting to being in Pre-School at a new school and our new schedules. 

As it happens Avi will now be eating three homemade meals a day, I send breakfast with her and a snack and she's been eating lunch at home with us and will continue to do so until she starts going to school from 8-4.

So, apart from planing lunch and dinner I plan five special breakfasts for her. This is the first year having to pack breakfast, so far it's been fun! I’m pretty sure my ideas will get more creative as we go, but for now I've been keeping it simple.

I asked some friends what they send with their kids, and almost everyone recommended: a mixture of a sandwich or knäckebrot (a flat and dry type of bread or cracker), cut up fruit, some nuts & raisins, and either a kiddie sausage/salami/babybel cheese.
For this weeks menu plan I incorporated some meals from the "no plan" menu plan. with a couple of new recipes, at least it includes ingredients I usually use. 

Here's the menu plan:

One week meal plan

What are you eating this week?

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