Kids behind the blog vol II

I'm excited to be featuring my favorite girl on the blog today! She has two weeks off of school (spring break-sort of) and we are taking advantage; not to the most of it since we aren't going on any big trip or anything, but we are getting a lot of playdates, time at the library scheduled in and we go visit dad at work (so we can play Foosball! :)

Today i'm joining "The Kids Behind The Blog" for the second time, here's what Avi has to say:

What do you enjoy doing with Mom and Dad?
Play tea.

Name one thing you are really good at?
Driving! Kidding, making bracelets.

What's one thing that Mom and Dad tell you often?
To not jump in puddles.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
When I have a daughter, play with her, that would be cute and nice... or work on my laptop or play the game that you have on your cellphone (just get ten)

What do you think Mommy and Daddy do when you go to bed at night?
Read me a story, give me goodnight kisses.. then you go to bed too.

Hall Around Texas


This month I will be co-hosting the Circle link up with kiki from inititstime. It will go live on March 16th and we will be sharing our Spring Break plans, dreams, and goals--with the opportunity to add in any places you'd like to go see or places that you've already booked a ticket to travel to! We want to know what you're up to for Spring break and if you have any goals for Spring in general, come back in a week to link up! :).

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