What Theme Parks to Visit in Orlando, FL.

Back in January we took a road trip from Charlotte to Orlando. The last time we had been in Orlando (January 2010) Pablo and I were able to go to the Universal Studios Resort and everyone else (including 1 y/o Avi just enjoyed doing "free" activities around Orlando.

This time the whole family was planning on spending a couple of days in the theme parks, Disney included.
(Backstory: Pablo is the baby of the family and that makes me the baby of his family too, haha)

While discussing what we would be doing during this trip the "older adults" decided four nonstop days of theme parks was too much for them (and their kids). So they opted for going to the theme parks three out of the four days in Orlando.

They needed to have a rest day.

Going to Orlando - Choosing a Theme Park

Walt Disney World:

Four options, which park shall we choose? It that tough a choice since we all new what we wanted. something fun yet not to stressful -as if! We opted for Magic Kingdom, it has many pro's: the castle, princesses, AND rides. This would definitely be cool for the little ones. 
The other WDW park we opted for was Epcot. We really liked the idea of little countries within it (plus it was really fun to see different things from places we have yet to visit) and it would be something my in laws would really enjoy.

Universal Studios Resort

Everyone decided that universal studios was a better option and we thought Pablo's dad would enjoy it more since Island of Adventures is geared more towards bigger  kids. They chose USF since it had more stuff for those who didn't like roller coasters, and the little ones, who can't go into said roller coasters. While it did have a lot of rollercoaster our daughter was able to go on all the rides we went on (we missed out on Rip Ride Rocket. :(
Pablo, Avi, and I thought that wouldn't be enough and included Island of Adventures into the mix. We were quite devastated that the hulk ride was closed (it was our favorite non-harrypotter ride from last time). One of the main reasons we went here was to revisi Hogsmeade, and it didn't disappoint!

Stay tuned for a recap of our days in each park.
PS. Avi; lost her second tooth on Sunday, my is she growing up fast!

Have you been? 
Which is your favorite?


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