Me vs. the ABC's of me

I have had this post in my drafts for a while and thought today would be a perfect day to share it, what with me blogging more and all that.  Here's some things you might or might not know about me.

A...  Available or Married:
Taken since September 2008.

B...  Birthday:
December 27th

C...  Cake or Pie:
(Red velvet) Cake.

D...  Drink of Choice?
Ice cold Coca Cola.

E...  Eye Color:

F...  Favorite Color?

G...  Gent:
Pablo, duh!

H...  Hometown:
McAllen, Texas

I...  Indulgence:
French fries

J...  Job:
I'm a Hausfrau, but not for long as i'm currently searching for a job in warehouse/logistics/import/export

K...  Kids and names?
1, Avi Darinee

L...  Life is incomplete without:

M...  Music group or singer:
fun. (even though they cancelled their Hamburg concert last minute four days ago)

N...  Number of siblings:
One brother, two sisters. three half brothers and one half sister.

O...  Oranges or Apples:
Oranges with Tajin (head to Mexico and try this, it tastes better with Mangos though) and Apples with peanut butter!

P...  Pet Peeves:
I have many,

Q...  Favorite Quote:
"If it's meant to be it will happen"

R...  Reason to Smile:
My daughter!

S...  Favorite Season:
Summer, I love being able to spend a summer day with friends at the beach or at a pool.

T...  Tattoos:

U...  Unknown fact about me:
Netflix binge watcher.

V...  Vegetable you love:

W...  Worst habit:

X...  X-Rays:
teeth, back/neck

Y...  Yuckiest food:
Salmon, the canned type at least.

Z...  Zodiac:

I hope you enjoyed reading, what are some of your ABC’s?
 bis später!


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