Weekend Round Up


Our last full weekend in Hamburg and we needed to take advantage of it, forget going to Luneburg's weihnachtsmarkt, or to the one at the rathaus with some mommy friends. Instead, we go to the mall we usually frequent to look for sweets, something special for our nieces/nephews, and a movie for movie night. They have special events at the mall during the month of December and we got to see an all man's choir singing sailor (and Christmas) songs.
All Men's Choir | Neu Wulmstorf
We took a break during the shopping to go home and eat, I made us a delicious late lunch/early dinner.  Tortillas, shrimp, bacon, cream and chipotle is all you need, but I added a can of mushrooms to help stuff the tacos. Then we went back to the mall to continue shopping, When we came home we watched the movie we had just bought, avi had gone to bed right after since it was kind of late. I took advantage and took some pictures of the little layout she did for Nikolaus.
Milk and cookies for Nikolaus | Nikolaus tag 2015
She left him milk and cookies and a drawing saying dip the cookies in the milk--that tastes very good. He ate them and drank the milk and left her her gifts. We were getting ready for bed and I had just finished brushing my teeth when I see her light on.
with presents from Nikolaus
I walk into her room, yawning and saying it's the middle of the night, she was wide awake excited because Nikolaus had left her a present. and sad because she didn't see him! Pablo walked inside the room and she asked if she could open the present, we said sure and she had the best reaction ever!
Nikolaus tag 2015
Only we would let our child open gifts at 1 almost 2 am.. I'm happy Nikolaus got her something she wanted, her reaction is priceless!!
Posted by Diana Longoria on Sunday, December 6, 2015
I tell pablo that if this had happened on Christmas there was no way we would have let her open the presents at 1:30 am.

a few things to note:
Nikolaus comes on the night of December 5th. St. Nicholas fills the boot with gifts and sweets overnight, and at the same time checks up on the children to see if they were good, polite and helpful the last year.
She left tennis shoes because her boots were dirty and these were clean(er).
Only afterwards did I find out that you're supposed to put a boot [called Nikolaus-Stiefel/Nikolaus boot] outside the front door 


Around Friday we noticed that our return flight is Jan 6th and not the 8th like I had been saying. So Pablo goes online to see how much it would cost to change that flight and he has trouble logging in. We try checking the reservation on different partner websites and on KLM it shows our reservation was cancelled.

We got worried, Pablo sent them an email and he checked how much it would cost to buy the tickets (around 600€) just in case that was needed. So we decided to go to the airport after we ate lunch and talk to someone there (we don't have our cell plans active since we don't really need them this month) we were there for around 1.5 hours.

First thing we did was talk to a lady who then told us to call customer care because she too could not see the reservation. The rep we were on the phone with told us that the reservation did not show as paid, so we would have to send them proof of payment so they could rebook the ticket.  We decided to stay there working from my tablet while Avi played in the play area. After I sent the proof we waited a while.

But at around 5 pm we received an email that they saw what they did and were going to re issue our tickets within 24 hours. But our first flight on the way back was not available anymore and they would put us in an earlier one free of charge. I decided to call them and let them know that that would not work for us, to change it for the seventh instead.

So it worked out. We will be returning Jan 7th and it fits good since we have a hotel reserved in Orlando from Jan 1st-6th.

Since we had a good outcome at the airport we decided to stop by the main Christmas market in Hamburg for some Glühwein and schmalzkuchen while we continued browsing for stuff to take back with us. 
Hamburg Alster | Weihnachtsmarkt bei der Alster | Hamburg Rathaus Christmas Market

The weekend turned out okay for us even after a little scare.

This month's sponsor:
The Morrell Tale - Every life is a fairy tale written by God's fingers


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