Happy New Year

I'm back! It's only fair that the first post of the year (even if thirteen days after the first) wishes you a happy new year. We got back a week ago but it took me this long to get adjusted.

Here are a few tidbits from my life during the past month that i've been "away:"

Blog of the Month

While I was away I got chosen for blog of the month at expat.com, click the image to read the interview.
Diana Elle Blog -- Blog of the Month January 2016

My Daughter

I was finally able to register Avi for the upcoming school year, but she is not enrolled just yet, they have to check all the students then select a few and the rest get sent to the next school. I really don't know how it works, but I'm hoping she gets accepted to our first choice.

The Blog

I have an upcoming review for a new (to me) subscription box, check back Saturday to see what it entails.. Also, I'll be catching up with comments/commenting by the end of the week. 

I'm thankful for all the lovely guest posts I had while I was away on vacation. I hope you enjoyed reading about different Christmas traditions around the globe.

The Recent Trip

I leave you this recap video that google did of our recent trip to Charlotte and Orlando. I wasn't planning on blogging about it, but I might end up doing it, depends on you...

Would you like to hear more about it?

This month's sponsor: The Morrell Tale - Every life is a fairy tale written by God's fingers


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