How I spent Sunday.

So today was a good day!

I spent the morning in the kitchen & on the computer.. I was saving recipes on a "recipe sheet" template that I got from google docs.. I added like 5 new ones that I got from emails I subscribe to! I love expanding my weekly recipes, feel free to email me your favorite one, if you really recommend it and would like for me to try it out.

I've also been going over the FLYLADY's Emails and now have a morning and evening cleaning routine, especially in the kitchen, that little room is now clean & I have started using it as my "office"!

I will dedicate tomorrow & Tuesday to cleaning the living room. I am hoping that since I am not using it, it can stay clean longer, but doubting it since all of Avi's toys are there. At least she knows that the toys she doesn't put away will be taken away for X amount of time.

It was raining today.. and after eating dinner I looked out the window and saw a rainbow! Keep in mind this picture was taken at around 8:45 pm..  & then the sun came out again so it was even brighter.. gotta love it here!

What do you do to make your days more productive?


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