
The Daily Tay, Bloogtober14
I joined in with Taylor and Helene for this years' blogtober challenge. A challenge to blog every day in October. Here's a round up of the posts I ended up doing:
Day 1. If I won the lottery I would...
Day 2. Dream job when I was little/ what is it now?
Day 3. One Thing I Can't Live Without.
Day 4. Favorite Photo I've Posted on Instagram.
Day 5. My Fall Bucket List.
Day 6. 10 Things I'd tell myself when I started blogging.
Day 7. Best/Worst Vacation
Day 8. Letter To Myself in 10 Years
Day 9. Best or Worst Halloween Memory #TBT
Day 10. I never thought blogging would...
Day 11. If I were president
Day 12. Best advice I've been given
Day 13. Favorite Fall recipe
Day 14. Funniest memory from childhood
Day 15. Favorite quote and why
Day 16. Fall fashion
Day 17. I'm an expert at...
Day 18. I Shared A Secret About Me
Day 19. What makes me happy
Day 20. My biggest fear
Day 21. Dream Vacation
Day 22. My Pet Peeves
Day 23. Favorite Instagram editing apps/ or editing tools for your blog
Day 24. One Beauty Product You Can't Live without
Day 25. Favorite book
Day 26. Who'd play you in a movie
Day 27. A Letter to your Younger Self
Day 28. Things You're Superstitious about
Day 29. Most Embarrassing Moment
Day 30. Facts About You
Day 31. Halloween Costume Reveal
As you can see, I almost completed the challenge.. I ended up double posting on some days since I was also doing my regular posts, so those are an additional 6 posts in October, giving a total of 28 posts. yay for me!

Did you participate in the blogtober14 challenge?


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