My Dream vacation

Helene in Between

Day 21. Your Dream Vacation

I want to tell y'all about the one place I've dreamt of visiting since I found out about it. 

Flashback to the '90s; If I had a yearbook with me i'd be able to tell you the exact year, but I don't so let's flashback to second grade. There are few things I remember from this said grade, I remember it is my second favorite elementary school year (see what I did there?), and I remember  stuff I learned during this year, here are the two that most impacted me:

One was where we were learning about caves. We built one in the classroom and we got to take turns going inside and looking at all the glitter/stars/tiny holes etc glued to the walls. this was fun for me, I hope they're still doing this in some schools.If not then I'll do one for Avi when she's older and she can help me decorate it and then see the final "product."

The other occasion I have no clue of what we were doing, but I remember they taught us all about rain forests and what they were. Ever since then I have dreamt of visiting a Rain forest, but not just any, I want to visit one that let's me see these animals and all the beautiful scenery there is to find there.
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That is my childhood dream vacation. If you're offering to take me anywhere in the world at this point in time, I think I'd choose to go on a cruise. I've always wanted to go on one and it would be a good way to visit many places on our bucket list on one trip. That;s my current dream vacation!

What is your dream vacation?
Diana Elle Blog - Blogtober posts
 Helene and Taylor., Also linking up with Travel Tuesday


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