What makes me happy.#Blogtober14

Day 19
There are so many things that make me happy, these are the ones that make me happy the most:

Spending time as a family. 
Whether we are watching a movie together, playing a game, or just going to the park. Spending time with my family makes me a happier person.

It's nice to have these on any given day. Especially being away from my family, it makes me happy to be able to look back and remember.

Crossing items off our bucket list. 
This is something that should make everyone happy! I haven't really posted my Bucket list on here. The nearest thing I've posted on here to my bucket list is my Travel and Fall Bucket List.  but there is another one of things we should do, I can't wait to write it; it should be never ending because there is always something you can add.

Another thing that makes me happy is when Avi reaches a new milestone, the one we're currently working on is her learning to read/write her letters.

Seeing my Family
The fact that we will be going back home in December also makes me happy, we always knew we would stay here for two years since it's too expensive to go back and forth more often, but it's good that we already booked everything!

What makes you happy? 

Diana Elle Blog - Blogtober posts


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