10 Things I'd Tell Myself When I Started Blogging.

I consider myself a newbie blogger even though I've had this blog since March 2013. All because I only started blogging frequently on April of this year. I've learned to love this hobby of mine in the last six months. And have learned so much, this prompt is great, I am sharing 10 things I learned that I would have liked to have known back in March when I first started this blog:

1. Blog Consistently & Schedule.

While this is a good tip, sometimes it's better to have better quality over quantity. As long as your publishing posts you are passionate about the readers will find you. Scheduling posts will help you during your busy weeks. You can dedicate one day a week to writing and have them scheduled for days you won't be near your computer.

2. Join Link Ups. 

This is a great way to get your blog seen by others talking about similar topics. Take part in link ups but don't just add your link and leave, stop by other blogs and leave a comment, most shall reciprocate! The link up I love most is Travel Tuesday, if you post anything travel related definitely link up!

3. Comment & Share More.

Goes right with what I mentioned above, commenting on other blogs helps get you noticed. If you help another blogger out by sharing their post, chances are they might do the same. Whenever I find a post I genuinely enjoyed reading I have no problem sharing it, and I try to include their handle so they know I liked it.

4. Pictures.

No matter what you're talking about include at least one picture, they make any post look prettier. If it's a pinnable picture even better. Share that image when you share the post and let the page views increase. ;)

5. Reply to the comments.

It's been said many times, and I agree, there's nothing more annoying than pouring your heart and soul into a comment and it be ignored, or not receiving any sort of response. if you're not going to comment at least 1 up it (on disqus), I usually do this when I look back at posts and noticed I hadn't read a comment and hadn't responded... I don't know if I should be responding to it 5 months later, what do you think?

6. Don't Compare yourself to others

We're all be in this together, it is not a competition. Stop comparing yourself to other bloggers. We all have different lifestyles, some have more free time than others and this makes a difference. Some bloggers have been going at it longer and might have paid version of blogging tools that allow flexibility in sharing social media shares or whatnot.

7. When you loose a follower...

Never take it personally. I've done it before: I followed someone but after a while I noticed they don't post things I can relate to and clicked "unfollow." Someone else might do that to me or to you, don't worry it's just how people do.

8. Apply your SEO knowledge

If you are just starting out even better, if yesterday you posted your favorite recipe make sure to mention it again in the future, and don't do "check this recipe here" but include the link where you type the name of the recipe. SEO 101.

9. Sponsor

If you have a budget this is a great option. But if you're like me and don't have a budget to sponsor other blogs, then I suggest joining blogging networks where you can get a mentor of some sorts and they can help you out with whatever you need.

10. Keep your sidebar organized

An ideal sidebar would have (in this order): a picture of you, a short bio, your social media icons, Email opt in/bloglovin follow, popular posts (in the last thirty days), blog archive (preferably one you can click through with), Sponsors/Friends section, and labels/tags (don't include all of them only a couple).

Am I right? We'll find out. Follow my Blogging and Social Media board on pinterest to find other useful blogging tips.
Follow Diana Elle.'s board Blogging & social media on Pinterest.
What would you tell yourself when you started blogging?

I'm taking part in the blogtober14 challenge and this post is day 6 of the blogtober prompts.


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