I Never Thought Blogging Would

Some people blog everyday, others once a week. No matter how often you blog, there's always something to learn. 
I Never Thought Blogging Would...

Connect me to so many other people. 

For real though, I've 'met' people from all over the world and some have even become good friends of mine. I'd like to meet some of you in person one day!

Be so time consuming 

I think blogging everyday this month is going to tire me out! I need to do something about it, schedule-wise. Sometimes writing posts takes some time, but other times it takes less than thirty minutes to whip up a post. It is still time consuming because it's not just a matter of publishing, you have to share it on social media and make sure it gets seen. Scheduling posts really helps, don't forget to schedule social media shares too. 

Be So Cool

There are many pros to blogging, you meet people in your situation you wouldn't have otherwise,  It is a great hobby! Blogging is a big part of my life, and I enjoy it, it is currently practically all I do. 

The Daily Tay Blogtober14

How 'bout you? 
You never thought blogging would...


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