Bigs and Littles Network

SBG - Bigs & Littles Network
A partnering of bloggers to teach, learn and grow that lasts two months. In the Bigs & Littles Blogging Network big & little bloggers are matched together. Throughout this program you will have the ability to build a new friendship, share experiences, teach and learn. Sometimes in the beginning days of our blogs we were frustrated, we just need a little blogging advice. This is something that we feel never changes, yes our blogs have grown, but with that comes a whole new set of issues that arise. If you are looking for a way to meet someone to share advice and someone to lean on through your blogging experience, then this may be the perfect program for you.
To be honest, I think I chose the worst day and time to post this, its Friday night for me and by the time I post it it is probably Friday night for you or Saturday morning.. and who spends Friday night reading blogs (besides me, maybe) anyways? hehe, but I couldn't let this slip by another day since the link up was two days ago...

On to the post..

A while back I signed up to participate in the bigs and littles network (which I explained above) hosted by Chelsee and Christine. I even opened up my sidebar to button swap because of this. In my opinion I was not as good of a big as I could have been. I bet there was more that I could have done, but I was barely getting the hang of things by the time it was time to post the "recap" here. 

 I was introduced to a new blog, Blogs like a girl, by being a "big" to Michelle. 

She is currently in the process of re-branding her blog, and I can't wait to see how it turns out. You should definitely go to her page and check out her book reviews

Had you ever heard of this network?
Would you be interested in signing up?


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