Five Friday Favorites.- Visiting cities & More!

It has been a great week, Mother's day was Sunday and yesterday was Father's day in Germany. I really should write about this because it's very different to what we're used to.. We didn't do a gift exchange because of the big move coming up, but we're okay with it. 
Five Friday Favorites - Hamburg, Finding an Apartment & More

Here are my five favorite things from this past week:

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It was raining so much our first few days in Hamburg while apartment hunting, I'm glad that stopped and we've been able to enjoy a couple of sunny days (and waking up at 6 am thanks to the early sunrise).

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Avi and I visited a lot of potential apartments, then Pablo took a couple of his vacation days to come be with us and we went to go see more, On Tuesday I received a call from one of the Makler that we got one of the apartments we had seen the day before, that was probably the highlight of the week!

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A lot of playtime. We stayed at my friend Rachel's house for the first couple of days and avi really enjoyed staying at her friends house, even though they sometimes argued but played rather well together. The rest of the days we were in hamburg we stayed at another friends house (their daughter is the same age as avi's oldest cousin) and Avi had fun there too.

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This post about German vs American fitness, it's true how excising is more easy here, just alone with the fact that cars are not a necessity here, you can easily move around without one and live comfortably. 

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My first time carpooling in Germany, somewhere between hamburg and Hannover we were stuck in a traffic jam, completely stopped for an hour, but then soon after we were on our way and we were dropped off in Worms, it is really pretty there, and it's another item crossed off my list

What was the highlight of the week for you?


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