H is for Hamburg. #BigNews!

Originally I was going to make this post about hospitals and how in the two and a half years I've lived here, I have visited 5 of them and stayed in two. 

Hamburg Hafencity

But something happened and It requires me to talk about Hamburgthe first city we lived in by ourselves, as a family of three and a city we fell in love with. It is the city we will be moving back to this summer

Wait, WHAT

Yeah. It's been confirmed. Pablo starts work on July June 1st. 
We love Hamburg so much we weren't able to adapt well to Kaiserslautern, such a shame i know, but the good news is we will be returning to our favorite city.. wir ziehen nach hamburg am 1. Juli um!
Posted by Life in German. on Thursday, April 9, 2015

It has to do mainly with the fact that we weren't able to get a spot for Avi in any of the kindergartens we 'applied' to. I mean, hello, she's five, its kind of a big deal! I actually met another lady at the park and her son is 4 and has been on the waiting list for a year, that is not good for us because if we were to wait a year for a spot Avi would already be going to first grade, and she can't start it (in German) without practicing a while in kindergarten.  In Hamburg we have the advantage to send her directly to a preschool (even if we would have to wait until the next school year begins). 

Another factor in our decision was that to me, Kaiserslautern is a city best for three types of people: Germans, Students and Military. currently we do not fit into any of those categories, We are just a family and while there may be other expat families here (non-military that speak english/spanish) I haven't had the opportunity of meeting them.

One thing that will be different with this move is the fact that we won't be getting rid of everything I mean, we just bought this furniture and unlike at the end of last year, we will be hiring a moving company. Fingers crossed we find one that isn't so expensive or that is having some sort of special for when we need it! 

I guess it's a good thing we...
- never changed our bank account (we'll just have to change the address again) 
- never fully finished unpacking (what's up with that, we've been here over two months already!)

But I think the finding an apartment thing will be a bit of a hassle, having to go back and forth between the two cities until we finally do find one and move in. 

At least I have the opportunity to look for an apartment in any part of the city that I wish!

Moving again after four months, who would've thought!


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