I is for (Health) Insurance

When moving to Germany you will need to choose your Health Insurance provider as soon as you get here, you will need proof of adequate health insurance to get your residency permit and you need the residency permit to open your bank account

Health insurance is mandatory for all employees and students in Germany, you will not be able to start working or studying without it. Students are offered a special rate, we paid around 70 Eur for all three of us when Pablo was doing his master's. 

When you are insured through the government/state system you only have to pay a nominal fee for medicine (usually 5 Eur) the rest is paid for by the insurance company. the same goes for hospital stays and ambulance rides you don't pay it all, you pay a nominal fee (at least in our case).

You will have the option to choose the expatriate health insurance that fits you best. You get peace of mind knowing that your chosen health insurance provider has the expertise to ensure you get the best treatment available in Germany. Germany’s main statuary health insurance companies are:

- AOK (Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse)
BEK (Barmer Ersatzkasse)
DAK (Deutsche Angestelltenkasse)
TK (Techniker Krankenkasse)

For any other questions visit: ExpatHealth.


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