Solidarity Sisters II

Hey everyone, I hope you had a great Christmas! I spent yesterday (my birthday) out exploring a park in downtown Charlotte, where we bumped into another German family and I got to practice my German! haha.. who would have guessed!? Anyways, today I''m introducing Ashley to you, I met her during this month's Solidarity Sisters since we got matched up together. Bloglovin - Instagram - Facebook - Twitter List the top 5 Cities You've Visited and Why. This is SO hard for me because every destination is so unique, but I will do my best. First I love the Bernese Oberland in Switzerland . This is a region, not a city, but it is one of the most beautiful areas I've been to in the world. Rolling hills, crisp air, and breathtaking landscapes. Next I would have to say Amsterdam , a city I just visited earlier this year for the first time. The canals are charming and I could eat waffles, Dutch comfort food, and drink their amazing beer ALL day...