What's up Wednesday

Today i'm linking up for the first time with Mel , Shay , and Sheaffer for their What's up Wednesday liink up... What we're eating this week: I post my menu plans on the blog ever so often, this week we're eating: Monday: Birthday Special I: Schnitzel Burgers. Tuesday: Birthday Special II: Ate out with coworkers. Wednesday: Chicken with Veggies Thursday: Sausage and Egg Tacos Friday: Birthday Special III: Chilaquiles with friends. Saturday: Birthday Special IV: Bavarian food and beer at our Oktoberfest Party ! Sunday: Leftovers. What i'm reminiscing about Previous birthdays spent together, I wanted to do a collage for Pablo ( his birthday was Monday ), but we didn't seem to have enough birthday pictures (on Facebook) hopefully I can get more when we go back home. What i'm loving Coffee Break German, I started listening to these podcasts when I first moved to Germany,and recently started again. They are really helpful. & it'...