
When going from Europe to North America you get a couple of moments that require adjusting , but those are easier to adjust to. It's coming back from a trip to the states that makes me feel weird. it is good to be back home and I really appreciate our trip to the states we just had. but here's a recap of some differences between both places. I've noticed that over the past three years, more and more people are speaking Spanish in the states. Or maybe it's just because there are a lot of international people at the airports. Nonetheless, I am able to understand the people all around us... And it feels good to be able to explain myself clearly. Being in North America means everyone can understand us , and when Avi says "mom, I need to fart" in English. on a plane from Atlanta to Charlotte. the whole plane starts laughing (well at least the people around us)... Don't worry I proceeded to tell her she couldn't because everyone would know it was ...