
Get to know me.

     Hi Everyone! it's been a while since i posted anything to my blog, and i opened blogger today and found a couple of drafts, this one I had done as a guest post on a friends blog and figured I'd post it here to! Have you been following along on instagram? I post on my stories almost daily and it's so much fun for me!    List the top 5 cities you've visited and why. I've already done a post on this, 5 Places I'd like to revisit go check it out and tell me if we have any cities in common! What do you like doing in your spare time? I enjoy spending time on the computer and watching stuff on Netflix. when I have time I like challenging myself to do puzzles. What are you reading? I just finished reading Accidental Tourist and am currently reading The Girl on the Train. What is your favorite food to cook? My all time favorite recipe is Enchiladas Suizas , but sometimes I settle for Chilaquiles (as tortillas de Maíz/corn tortillas) aren't found...

Young Living

Hi!  I started using essential oils for sleep support over two years ago. But I only joined Young Living last year! I bought a set of 12 essential oils and diffused them all over the house. How I Started:  My friend Courtney offered a free roller to anyone who wanted to try them, I tried out a sleep roller.. then a couple of months later she hosted a try before you buy, so I tried two additional ones and I bought my kit shortly after -talk about hooked.  Don’t be discouraged if you're feeling skeptical at first; I was too!  Background on Young Living : They are the first essential oils company, and they’ve been around for more than 25 years! Young Living has a Seed To Seal promise– basically stating they provide quality through extensive testing. They seed, cultivate, distill, test and seal each bottle of oil at their very own farms! Europe Special Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an Ein Beitrag geteilt von Diana Elle (@diamant.oils) Young L...


Hi Everyone! I think I'm back. The last time I posted something on here was a recap of our 2016. A lot has changed since then. Especially if we talk about the whole pandemic thing going on, which we won't. ;D  I have debated whether or not I should start this back up, I decided to just do it, after all, I have a lot of ideas. I have since started using Young Living's Essential Oils have you ever used oils before? so Good! We don't have any big summer plans,  a couple of sleep overs, movie nights and picnic dates for sure!  What are your summer plans?

15 maneras de preparar atun.

May 30 2017  1. Atún a la vizcaina atún en salsa de jitomate y le pone alcaparras, almendras, papas, cebolla y  chiles güeros. Me encanta comerlo en tostadas! Yo quierooo!!  2. unas entomatadas de atún A mi me gusta guisarlo a la mexicana, fries cebolla, jitomate y chiles verdes, le agregas el atún, dejas que todo se impregne y eso lo utilizó para el relleno de los chiles o para comer en taquitos. 3.  Pay de atún   Mi familia lo guisaba así: aceite de oliva, pimiento morrón (rojo o amarillo pa que se vea más bonito y salga dulce), aceitunas (verdes o negras), pasas (poquitas) y una varita de canela. Bien guisado a que se integren los sabores.  Ya ese relleno lo usas para la receta de pasta para el pay que más te guste.  4. Pizza con atun Una pizza con atún, piña y maíz. 5. Empanadas de atun Empanadas de hojaldre con atun!! Basicamente  empanadas fritas de atun! Está super fácil de hacer y riquísimas! Solo es chile jalapeño, cebolla y tomate picado...

Looking back at 2016

Happy New Year! 2016 was a year full of visitors and travels of all sorts for us. Last year’s Christmas was spent in Charlotte, with Pablo’s family (and my mom), we also welcomed 2016 there only to take a road trip to Orlando on January 1 st .  We visited WDW, Epcot, Universal Studios, and Island of Adventure. Once we got back to Germany we spent some time getting back to a routine. We took a mini trip over Valentine’s day weekend with our first visitor of the year. Pablo’s oldest brother came to Sweden for work and then took a couple of extra days to visit us. We took our second trip of the year and visited Berlin and Schwerin. March was spent in Hamburg, we spent Easter with other English-speaking moms at a park. We had a laid-back time here not worrying about waking up early to go to school. In April, we bought our first DSLR, it’s a canon 30d and I’m enjoying capturing moments with it. A friend of mine (and friends of his) celebrated their birthdays with ...

Life happened.

I know I haven't posted anything in a while but I felt like I needed some time off. Lately I haven't had much free time, yet I haven't done much. Allow me to take you back and tell you what happened these past few months.. In July we took a trip to attend a conference in Boston and then stayed an extra week to visit the big apple. I loved getting to revisit this city and got to knock a lot of items of my NYC bucket list. Once we got back from our trip, Avi went back to her last week of school, and my cousin came to visit.. but I kinda screwed up and Avi ended up missing the last day of school (we took a day trip to Berlin instead). We had all of August free, and we took advantage of this (and a wedding in our hometown) and went to visit our family in Mexico. We had a packed two weeks in Mexico, during which we were able to catch up with a lot of friends, visit the BBVA Stadium and  Avi took an intensive swim course, she was able to get the basic done, but she...

From Cologne to Boston

I read Rachel's post: liveblogging  a 12 hour flight to Bangkok and loved it.. granted not every flight is a good one but I figured I'd give this a go and try doing a similar post. I decided to record happenings on my most recent flight, even thought it was less than eight hours it seemed to go okayish and so i'm sharing it with you today. Here's how my flight went down: Before the flight, we were kind of worried about not having any in-flight entertainment since we booked our transatlantic flight with eurowings. 13:03 Board the plane. We get happy the plane does have in flight entertainment. We also noticed that every seat has a water bottle. Sadly only the ones with extra leg room get a blanket/pillow. 13:17  Find out the in flight entertainment requires a 9,99€ payment. 13:44  Time for the safety procedure demo. 13:53  Prepare for take off, then eventually take off. 13:56  Kid behind me says: "guck mal da unten die kleinen Autos." ...