Get to know me.

Hi Everyone! it's been a while since i posted anything to my blog, and i opened blogger today and found a couple of drafts, this one I had done as a guest post on a friends blog and figured I'd post it here to! Have you been following along on instagram? I post on my stories almost daily and it's so much fun for me! List the top 5 cities you've visited and why. I've already done a post on this, 5 Places I'd like to revisit go check it out and tell me if we have any cities in common! What do you like doing in your spare time? I enjoy spending time on the computer and watching stuff on Netflix. when I have time I like challenging myself to do puzzles. What are you reading? I just finished reading Accidental Tourist and am currently reading The Girl on the Train. What is your favorite food to cook? My all time favorite recipe is Enchiladas Suizas , but sometimes I settle for Chilaquiles (as tortillas de Maíz/corn tortillas) aren't found...