Pablo's Birthday and this weeks plan.

October is a couple of days away and I hadn't posted a single menu plan this month, I had been keeping track of everything, I just wasn't sharing it here on the blog. This past weekend was special since Pablo celebrated his 27th birthday yesterday. Saturday he attended a seminar that a friend from Monterrey was giving at his University, after that we went to eat with him and some other Mexican attendees. We ended the night with a couple of beers at the Harburg Wein Fest. Sunday was Verkaufsoffener Sonntag (open sale Sunday). but we started the day at my friends house where we ate a cake we had made on friday, and left there to be refrigerated since ours is too small.. Then we went to a Mall and spent the day there. In regards to what we're eating: I'm still sticking to the usual, but a neighbor offered to take me 'grocery' shopping and show me which meats to buy since the only one I trust myself buying is ground beef. ...