Bigs and Littles Network
A partnering of bloggers to teach, learn and grow that lasts two months. In the Bigs & Littles Blogging Network big & little bloggers are matched together. Throughout this program you will have the ability to build a new friendship, share experiences, teach and learn. Sometimes in the beginning days of our blogs we were frustrated, we just need a little blogging advice. This is something that we feel never changes, yes our blogs have grown, but with that comes a whole new set of issues that arise. If you are looking for a way to meet someone to share advice and someone to lean on through your blogging experience, then this may be the perfect program for you.
To be honest, I think I chose the worst day and time to post this, its Friday night for me and by the time I post it it is probably Friday night for you or Saturday morning.. and who spends Friday night reading blogs (besides me, maybe) anyways? hehe, but I couldn't let this slip by another day since the link up was two days ago...
On to the post..
A while back I signed up to participate in the bigs and littles network (which I explained above) hosted by Chelsee and Christine. I even opened up my sidebar to button swap because of this. In my opinion I was not as good of a big as I could have been. I bet there was more that I could have done, but I was barely getting the hang of things by the time it was time to post the "recap" here.
I was introduced to a new blog, Blogs like a girl, by being a "big" to Michelle.
She is currently in the process of re-branding her blog, and I can't wait to see how it turns out. You should definitely go to her page and check out her book reviews.
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