Being Thankful

We had a friendsgiving party yesterday, and it was the second time we celebrated with this particular friend. It doubled as a going away party since it's his last few days in Hamburg..Anyways, it was fun, we got to meet some new people and there was a lot of food, I'm talking two turkeys and plenty of sides.

I took my (aunts) famous apple, pinapple, and marshmallow dessert, and just like at the birthday party, a lot of people complimented it, if you have never tried this, I suggest you do ASAP!

This month's the circle topic is about the act of thanksgiving and are taking it old school sharing acrostic poems using the word THANKFUL to list off things we're thankful for.

T - Trips we take

Thankful that we get to take so many trips (I guest posted yesterday with my top 5 cities in Europe, go read it!) and that our next one is coming up in less than a month!

H - Husband

I'm thankful to have Pablo in my life, he is always helping me when I need it (except for when it comes to making his own breakfasts on weekends, but that's a story for another day)

A - Avi

I am thankful for my daughter, that she is a healthy.

N - Netflix

I'm thankful Netflix and programs like it exist to help us get through rough days. I even made a list of 7 shows to binge watch on Netflix), but even though I don't use it as much as I used to, I love having the option whenever i'm in the mood of watching something that's not on TV.

K - Kindness

There are many people with a kind heart, i'm thankful I get to meet some of them and that they stay in my life. 

F - Friends & Family

I'm thankful for all the friendships I've made throughout my time here, both irl and blogging friends. and I'm thankful that I can be conected with my family on a daily basis even though i'm living many miles away.

U - You

I'm thankful for my readers that support my blog, and just for being yourself.

L - Love

I am thankful to be surrounded with so much love.

What's one thing your thankful for right now?

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