Bigs & Littles Round II

I signed up for the bigs and littles again earlier this season and this time I was big to two littles! I'm introducing you to Brit from My Little Sunshines and Amanda from Lil Mrs. chatterbox (if you haven't already clicked through to their sites and skimmed them yourself). It was nice to get to meet them, as they were both new bloggers to me, and the best part? the three of us are HS class of '07 (even if I graduated as a three year grad in '06).

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Seattle, WA- I just love the feel of the city and wandering around Pikes Place makes me happy.
San Francisco, CA - Similar to above, I just love the feel of it. I thoroughly enjoyed the one day I spent there, and hope to be able to go back for more!
Oceanside, CA - We stayed here for a week for a family vacation, and I loved the relaxing vibe of the city. There is something so peaceful about waking up to the sound of ocean waves, or taking a walk on the beach.
Salt Lake City, UT - My ""home town"" as it were. I love it because it's what I'm used to, and because of it's rich LDS history.
London, England - Now, I was only about 11 when I visited, and I'd love to go back as an adult, but even as a young child, I knew there was something magical about the city my mom grew up in.

 photo mylittlesunshines.png

What do you like doing in your spare time?

I love to read, that's my favorite past-time! But I also enjoy working on my blog - writing, editing pictures and graphics, and learning more about HTML!

If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one quality or ability, what would it be?

Hmm, I'm not sure! Maybe the ability to time travel at will so I can take a nap and play with my kids and work on my blog? ;)  

I love new recipes, what is your favorite food to cook for lunch( or dinner)?

I'm pretty basic when it comes to recipes, and I enjoy comfort foods like spaghetti, mashed potatoes and gravy, and other foods that are full of carbs. A favorite recipe of my own (available on my blog) is shepherd's pie.

Would you rather spend the night in a luxury hotel or go camping in a tent?

Hm, I have to say if given the choice (and it was paid for?!) I would choose a night in a luxury hotel! There's something about pampering yourself that is amazing. Plus it would be more of a novelty. However, I also love tent camping, it's something we do together as a family, and we always have a great time.

Lil' Mrs. Chatterox
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Amanda has been blogging for a while, only recently did she become an occasional blogger, She's doing college full time and is getting ready to graduate in May and is currently fighting PCOS. In one of her recent posts she mentions you shouldn't be afraid to share your PCOS struggles with others.

Had you ever heard of this network, or these two bloggers?

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