Best or Worst Halloween.
Day 9.
I remember going trick or treating as a child, We would always meet up at a friends house beforehand and then choose the neighborhood which we would trick or treat in. I won't be talking about one of those today, because what's a post without pictures? [Any pictures I have of this are all back home, I'll scan them when we visit in December].
This is the nearest picture I could find to a Halloween picture from when I was little. These two pictures are of my sister and me before our ballet/Jazz recitals.
This is not the best Halloween, but it's in the top 5. We were invited by some coworkers to a Halloween party in 2010, We decided to go dressed up last minute, Pablo's mom helped us with our costumes, giving me a dress she wore when she was 15 and Pablo his fathers wedding suit. plus some 80's items she had around the house.
I think this was the last time I dressed up for Halloween. I'm more focused on making Halloween memories for Avi. The first time I ever took her she was so excited when she received her candy (she was two). Last year we went trick or treating (kind of last minute, since I didn't know if they did that in Germany) but they did, and she wore this (all last minute):
But she remembers it, and she is so excited for halloween this year, she wants to dress up as a witch. Her face lit up when I responded to her question on why there was pumpkin decorations.
What's your best or worst halloween?
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